Nurturing With Miranda

The stress experienced every day makes people vulnerable to disease and impairs the quality of life. The inner harmony is disturbed- and the person comes out of balance. This is where the Peter Hess sound massage is a highly effective method of relaxation: the smooth resolution of tensions and blockages in the body and soul is a good basis for the revitalization and strengthening of self-healing powers.

Cell Body Massage

Peter Hess describes the effect of sound on the body with a catchy image: “If you imagine a stone falling into a pond, concentric wave spread over the entire pond. Each molecule of water is put into motion in this way. Something similar happens with the sound massage in our bodies, which is indeed about 80 percent water. The soothing vibrations transmitted to the body and from there spread in concentric waves: a soothing massage for each of the 100 trillion cells in the body – a cellular massage “. If you are healthy, the Peter Hess sound massage promotes the development of inner harmony and strengthens the energy for everyday tasks. The creativity gains new momentum. The sound massage helps effects of physical, mental and spiritual problems, it helps to be free of the symptoms, the daily stress, worries and fears.

Effect of the Sound Massage

So melodious massage may include:

  • Neck and shoulder tension release,
  • headache remedy,
  • regulate the digestion,
  • rid of abdominal cramps,
  • a better, deeper breathing possible,
  • the ability to improve concentration,
  • The birth labor support in all phases. Peter Hess sound massage is under the expert guidance to learn. She is very well applicable for relaxation in private, in the family and friends. This can cause deep relaxation and healing processes can be supported (for example, muscle tension, disc, and pelvic pain, difficulty falling asleep)

Professional use

The gentle mode of action makes the Peter Hess sound massage to be an extremely effective method used successfully by professionals, especially in education, medicine, nursing, therapy and wellness, and cosmetics. The wide range of applications is ranging from obstetrics to the care of dying.

The professional application of sound massage Peter Hess, the following will be presented by way of example in the three areas of wellness and beauty, school and disabled persons.

Wellness & Cosmetics

Inner calm, self-awareness, and health largely determine the appearance of a person. The theater Hess sound massage brings comfort and beauty that comes from within. As a method for relaxation and health of the Peter Hess sound massage is therefore eminently suitable for use in personal care and wellness. Hair and beauty salons now offer sound massage for relaxation, and wellness is an integral part of the offer in many hotels. The newly-trained Peter Hess sound massage practitioner Josef Aschenbrenner’s hotelZellertal Bavarian Forest also has sound massage in its offer. Four hotels in his environment give the guests a “sound massage relaxation experience”. Guests have the opportunity in advance, on the Internet pages to view a picture of Josef Aschenbrennerdoing the sound massage and to book ( “It is my goal,” said Josef Aschenbrenner, “those good hotels in my area offer the sound massage. It’s not just about wellness, but real health care. “

Maria-Rosa Vogt has been a freelance hairdresser for fifteen years. Her salon “Hair & being” is located in the municipality of Sulz, Austria. After their initial training at the Peter Hess sound massage, they made their customers aware of the new spa treatment with singing bowls. Slowly but surely there were first ladies, now also, gentlemen, curious about the offer. The hand and nail care, for example, now ends with a sound massage for the hands.” The sound drew its circles,” says Rosa Maria Vogt, “and I set up a sound space two floors above a hair salon. My clients, I now offer full body sound massage with precious stones and scents. Once a month a small group meets for meditation and sound journey.”Meanwhile, economic success has also set, and the hairdresser has become known far beyond the national borders.

Sounds massage in school

Dr. Renate Jürgens understands her sound work in a Kiel High School as a response to unflattering results of the PISA study for the German schools. Dr. Jürgens teaches music, philosophy, and history. Previously, she worked as a music therapist in a special education daycare center. She is trained in the Peter Hess sound massage. She and Toni Jensen at the primary school tried to support the school administration, working with a sound more and more closely in the regular classroom. Such short sound meditation before classwork was gladly accepted by the students since they allow relaxation and concentration. Sound and singing bowls are traveling with Dr. Gong Jürgens to a high school philosophy course. Here she was able to determine that the student can learn with the help of the singing bowls and feel confident to express their feelings better. She teaches one group of students the basic techniques of Peter Hess sound massage with the aim that they bring joy to other people with the sound massage. The benefit to other students and teachers, but also a nearby nursing home. Next, Dr. Juergens reported: “Even in this year’s project week, I offered to work with sound. The students were able to experience not only intense sensations of their own body, but we also visited a retirement home with nursing care, a hospital for people with mental health difficulties, and a special education daycare center. Our sound work that ranged from the sound on sound baths and massages sound travels to various experiments and games with sound was adapted to each group. Although we didn’t know the people with whom we worked, an intense relationship was immediately felt. It is for me a very moving experience, as can be achieved in this simple way, peaceful communication between different people. “

Working with disabled people

For fifteen years the social worker Manuela Kainz worked with people living with mental or multiple severe disabilities. After training in the Peter Hess sound massage the bowls become an important and indispensable companion in her professional life. She could deepen her experience in the two-year training “Peter Hess sound pedagogy. “Manuela Kainz reported on her work in a therapeutic educational center: “Two months ago I had the opportunity to sound work for a group of five boys (including two with Down’s Syndrome, an autistic boy, and two mentally disabled boys) in the presence of their parents.

While I was with the children in the middle of a small gymnasium lots of singing bowls were sitting around, the parents had sought a place on a bench at the edge of space. Piece by piece the bowls were researched. It was important that all the senses were addressed. The experience of a sound massage does not require intellectual understanding, which is especially important in working with people with disabilities. Sounds heard and felt, the sound vibrations made in the water were visible and “tangible”.The kids had enormous fun with the play and were very creative in handling the material. When I suggested an exercise, I always told them before. In implementing it could be seen whether the information could be included in an appropriate manner, otherwise, I was always supportive.

Again and again, I realize that for people with disabilities, the physical experience plays a big role. For this reason, I work with the vibrating bowls if required, like the mouth, lips, nose, intense sensory experience which not only allow, but also more fun.

The second part of the program is relaxation. Each child had the opportunity to lie down and he may choose one or more bowls to feel his body and relax it. It was just amazing how the boys were getting on with that play. While relaxed, they sat and watched others. Also in the observer role, they were fascinated by the singing bowls. This afternoon was for me, and I think for everyone else, an unforgettable experience. I had never experienced such a lively, creative, and happy group of children with disabilities who wear over a period of two hours fully alert and present. A group that made me laugh and made the day appear in a particularly “bright light” and carefully attended. Christopher, a boy with autistic characteristics, was so peaceful and relaxed there, that his mother got up and came closer to be able to see her son well. Of particular interest to me were the reactions from Christian, a boy with Down syndrome. He could not get enough of it and said that also had something for his mom. For him, it was an ideal offer to relax properly. He almost fell asleep, although he had so many spectators.