Nurturing With Miranda


Peter Hess has developed a sound massage in the 80s. In the search for alternative healing methods, he made numerous trips to India, Nepal and Tibet.

Experiences with traditional healers and observations made during visits to the Newars, the oldest ethnic group in the Kathmandu valley made him recognize the importance of sound in the traditional medical system.

In Nepal, he has learned to understand the sound of bowls and developed the idea that this would be an ideal medium to experience the healing effect of sounds on the human beings. The idea was quickly implemented in seminars and the first positive results led to the rapid evolution of his method. He developed a flexible system of feedback from the practice and improvements in the method – for as the sound itself, so also is the Peter Hess sound massage – in motion.

The extensive training and continuing education of Peter Hess Institute reflects the many ways of the professional use of sound and singing bowls massage. This new service offers professional expertise in the application of sound at high levels.

What is a sound massage and what are the key functional characteristics?

In greatly simplified terms, a sound massage is the singing bowls placed on the clothed body and struck with care. The gentle and harmonious sounds are absorbed through the ear and quickly lead to deep relaxation. The rhythmic sound vibrations are transmitted to the body and produce a subtle vibration that is often as a kind of “massage” section. 

While a sound massage creates an atmosphere of safety and security, in which it is possible to let go – letting go of stress, anxiety, worry, doubt and similar feelings that impact negatively on our health. In this soothing atmosphere, we can again come in contact with our needs, our “inner wisdom”. We experience our bodies in a comforting feeling – it may take some time for the first time since rediscovering true. The often circling thoughts come to rest and our soul learns room for development. These are key issues for health in a holistic sense. They are the basis for the design of a joyous, self-determined and creative life.

The key functional characteristics of the Peter Hess sound massage can be summarized as follows.

  • offers a comprehensive range sound through the various overtones, harmonic and natural sounds of singing bowls; 
  • provides deep relaxation, because the original sound of the trust people 
  • appeals, and thereby generates willingness to let go; 
  • harmonize every single cell in the body gently through sounds; 
  • can promote health, improve body awareness and recognition 
  • support and use of own resources; 
  • allows the positive influence of self-confidence, inspiration and creativity; 
  • works in a holistic sense regenerating and revitalizing one on body, mind and spirit. 

The effect of the sounds is very complex. Even if the method at first glance seems very simple, their use requires a sound knowledge about the effect of sound and self-experience in order to apply them individually, purposefully and safely for the benefit of clients.

The approach and the human image in Peter Hess-sound methods

Under the term Peter Hess sound methods are the Peter Hess sound massage, and all other methods combined. The various Peter Hess sound methods represent a specialization of the use of sound massage in various fields.

Peter Hess-sound methods aim has always been on strengthening the healthy and functioning well (see the salutogenic approach). The strong solution and resource orientation of these methods is directed to focus more on the whole person with all his abilities and his knowledge – even if such resources in some situations are not accessible. Pace, intensity and direction of the path resulting in the sound is always in consultation sessions on the client’s needs – he knows (at heart) best what is good for him (see image of man of humanistic psychology). Our motto is: Less is more!

It’s less about a targeted action, and more about the careful and loving support of a client to his own individual path of personal development, growth or healing.

From the present research, we know how important our mental images and our intention for the effect of an action are. Therefore, the great value is placed in the education and training institute of Peter Hess particularly on:

  • the mediation of in-depth background knowledge about the effect of sounds,
  • the training of our own response capability and
  • training the consciousness for their own purpose.

The expansion of professional skills of our students to us is as much a concern as learning the method to enriching their own daily life with sound.