Upcoming Events for March 2022
This month there is a long weekend coming up to celebrate Western Australia Day. So I have decided rather than hold an event in the middle of the long weekend, (which would by my usual fortnightly session), I will do two Sundays in a row. I have also decided to hold fortnightly Thursday evening sessions during March, one of which is releasing with the Full Moon.
After careful consideration of the latest updates and space requirements, I have decided for the month of March to hold all my regular group meditation sessions outside where possible. This means there is lots of space and fresh air, but still only small numbers of up to 10 people including myself. I will reassess again at the end of the month and hopefully April we will be back to having a few sessions again at Peak Yoga Studio fingers crossed.
Outside sessions will all be held at my home business premises in the big backyard. If the weather decides to turn, I have pop up tents to keep the weather out and can use a friends big open shed around the corner or an online session.
This month also sees the creation of a new Soul journey collaboration between myself and Angelicness. If you’re interested in knowing your life purpose, who your guide or guardian angel is, connecting with your spiritual council and opening your akashic records? … it’s like having 3 sessions rolled into one … super exciting!
Boyanup Sound Sessions will be coming up on either a Saturday afternoon or a weekday afternoon. Dates and times are still to be confirmed. After having been to visit the beautiful outdoor location this week, we are currently discussing dates at the moment to make it a regular event on a monthly basis. So keep updated by checking my facebook events page.
Reiki training in small groups will be postponed for March with new dates coming up for April fingers crossed. I am happy to do 1:1 training or with up to 2 people but am just being mindful of the current space regulations in place for March so decided to leave it open and not lock in a specific date. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further.
I look forward to nurturing you with sound soon.
With love and gratitude,